July 31, 2009

My Pixie

I love my little Pixie so much & just had to share this stunning picture with you!!
This morning as we were about to leave for work Sias asked why Amber was so quiet. Any parent should know that when you cant hear them it spells TROUBLE!! So we went into her room. She was busy putting vaseline on her face, her hair,her clothes- EVERYTHING, at the same time singing and dancing to the music on her CD player! I couldnt help laughing. In the end even Sias had to change his shirt, vaseline EVERYWHERE!!! Amber thought it was so funny, she couldnt stop dancing and showing me her hands that were full of vaseline!!
Ai Pixie, mommy loves you plenty....


  1. okay...you are such a good mommy! When Katie did that (I'll never forget). All I could do was stay calm and clean-up the mess. I need to learn from you and enjoy those cute messy moments. They wont be little forever;)

  2. I just washed our guest bedroom carpet which also had vaseline marks all over, thanks to one of my beautiful granddaughters. The best toys are those we usually keep out of reach. I dont blame your mom for not wanting to move away from her granddaughter. I wish I had all of mine living next door! Love u'

  3. No vaseline story from me, but that is so cute, I can just imagine her little face, so pleased with herself and her achievement. I just love it. She is so cute. Love and miss you all.

  4. Ha Ha. My husband Rob and I had a good laugh while reading that. Such a cute story. Reading it made me want to just hug and kiss her. You are so lucky.
